Racism in education
Survey finds vast majority of Black Brits dissatisfied with system
According to the Black British Voices Survey, RACISM IN education is the single biggest factor holding back Black educational achievement.
80 percent of the 8,236 Black Britons surveyed said racial discrimination in the education system is the biggest barrier facing young people.
An even higher proportion – 89 percent – said that schools and colleges failed to adequately support the needs and aspirations of Black students.
95% of respondents said that Black history and culture was not sufficiently represented in the National Curriculum.
The survey’s findings correlates with more Black parents opting to home school their children as a way to protect them from systemic racism in the educational system.
Just 4 percent of those surveyed think that racism is ‘definitely not’ a barrier for Black kids.
For Black teachers and campaigners, these findings come as no surprise and now they are demanding the government take action to address these long-standing issues.
Read the entire article here.
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